Jean-Michel Girard...

Jean-Michel Girard


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Jean-Michel GIRARD is French, 54 years old (from 1967) and he's currently working in an IT company doing Internet Payment.

Mr. Girard was the man who programmed the ColecoVision OD emulator for the GCW Zero in the summer 2013.

For our ColecoVision is Mr. Girard also a very skilled programmer.


Bagman for ColecoVision... ColecoVision - Super Bagman... ColecoVision - Uwol " Quest For Money"...
Bagman Super Bagman Uwol "Quest For Money"

ColecoVision - MazezaM... ColecoVision - Robee Blaster...
MazezaM Robee Blaster

The first ColecoVision game from Mr. Girard was Bagman.
This game was finished and released in early 2015.
It should have to be Bagman Super game, but this version was cancelled before deadline.
MazezaM and Robee Blaster was developed before, but released later.

L'Abbaye Des Morts Sir Ababol

Also game like "Circus" and "Saguaro City" are on the way.
Some of Mr. Girad's earlier ColecoVision games was published via CollectorVision Games.
Newer ones via Côté Gamers.

www. e-mail.