Youki is
the one that make the game Ghost n Zombies for
Ghost n Zombies was released through Jean-François Dupuis who is the publisher for CollectorVision.
ColecoVision was Youki's first video
He loved to play Donkey Kong, Turbo, Cosmic Avenger and Zaxxon.
Those games was very good , but what he wanted to do, was write his own
game, and in 1982 it was not possible for a young boy of 10 year old, to
write games for colecovision.
So Youki sold his colecovision to buy a Commodore 64 where he really
started to program his own games.
Programmation became a real passion, and he never stopped to program on
all these machines he had. C64,PC XT, Atari ST etc., etc.
Programming is now Youki's job, but unfortunaly not in gaming.
He have always done games on his machines, and recently he started lot of
game project on PC, but never completed it.
Because each time he want to add
and on nowadays PC, you can always add more and do better... so never
ending story.
Youki is a real nostalgique of 80's, and a big collector of old
computers. Youki
own around 200 old computers and consoles.
He thought ok, if there is no limit he can not stop and release a game. So
he try on a machine where there is string limitation.
Youki knew very well the Commodore 64, and he like to learn new thing, he
decide to go for a machine he knew less : the ATARI 800XL.
Youki's idea was to port Ghost 'n Goblins from C64 to Atari XL.
So he
collected lot of books and information on Atari,
and he was about to start when while looking for a Atari XL Devkit on
Youki saw a link on a ColecoVision devkit. He
was very intrigued.
It was done by Daniel Bienvenu.
Youki tried it quickly and he realised it was very easy to code on
ColecoVision, but doing a game that we can only run on emulator was not
interresting for Youki.
Youki's dream was to create his own game in
cartridge format. So he did some research on the Net how to do that... And find
that there was also a Publisher.
Some guys still create full boxed cartridge for ColecoVision !!.. Okay, so Youki decided
to put on hold his Atari XL project, and try the ColecoVision instead.
Youki starded to create Ghost 'n Goblins on
ColecoVision, when he realised that the game would be not so bad, he took
contact with CollectorVision Publishing to propose it.
... and Youki's first cartridge for ColecoVision was GHOST 'N ZOMBIES, A kid's Dream that has been realised !.
Screenshots from the game Ghost 'n Zombies |
Youki had also other projects for colecovision.
A long term project for ColecoVision is a version of Out Run for
with the Steering wheel.
Youki has already did a lot of work in that sense, but he want to be
sure to be able to make a
really great game.
Then he started another project to practice some techniques. Youki's next game
released was: Smurf Challenge , Youki did that to test some technical
solution, he later can use in his upcoming game Out Run.
Some screenshots from the
ColecoVision game: Smurf Challenge. |
Youki have also 2 other projects in addition of Out Run on the way. Youki prefer to not announce until he is really close to completion.
The next game was the fighting game: The Way Of The Exploding Foot, and this
game was released in 2011

The Way Of The Exploding Foot.
But also Defender Of The Crown has inspired Youki.

Defender Of The Crown is a long term project.
Commodore Amiga inspired version.
Youki works on a few projects, and the 4th ColecoVision game from his hand
will be Battle Of Hoth.
Battle Of Hoth is a game taking from The Empire Strikes Back.

Battle Of Hoth.
Battle Of Hoth will be released under the Team Pixelboy label and possibly
ready for December 2013.
Alongside Youki's ColecoVision project, he has also developed
AtomicFE (Arcade
TO MICro Front
End) , that was originally a Front End for MAME.
100% customizable targeted to be put on a real arcade cabinet (MAMECAB).
This Front end have been really succesfull, and can be used on all PC (even low
end), and supports almost all existing emulators. Including

Here an Image of the default layout (skin)
Above some Images of some ColecoVision
related layouts for emulation.
Webpage :
Atomic Fe
To get in touch with Youki,
try this:
e-mail. |