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December 31. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Luc at Team Pixelboy has unveiled what we can expect of ColecoVision games.
Boxxle is finished, need beta-test before this game can be released sometime i 2015.
Jewel Panic need a lot of work yet before this game can into a beta-test.
Front LIne SCE is almost done, but Luc at Team Pixelboy encountered some graphic glitches which will need to be fixed.
Ghostbusters, The Stone of Wisdom, Knightmare and Spelunker is currently on standby.
And finally, will Team Pixelboy let Activision's Space Shuttle - "A Journey Into Space" see the daylight, maybe sometime in the middle of 2015.

December 31. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Alekmoul aka Jean-Michel GIRARD says: "I wanted to show you another game that I hope to release next year".
The game is a ColecoVision version of UWOL "Quest for Money".
The game is about to steal the most amount of coins possible.
UWOL won’t want to end his mission until he collects a minimum of 255 of those.
So now works Jean-Michel GIRARD on 3 ColecoVision games, namely: Bagman Collection, RobeeBlaster and UWOL "Quest for Money".

December 25. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Ralf at retro-modding.de says: 2015 will be a Coleco year full of new offers.
"We sold a lot of our ColecoVision power supplies which are permanently available on ebay and amazon. Currently in version 2."
"We start with a CRT emulation mod for modern TFT/Plasma, LCD Screens offering tube based retro gaming experience on current tv sets."
"Also RGB and HDMI and USB joystick support mod. (including steering wheel) is also in proto stage."
"Customer also requested Replacement stripes for front and top of console as some modding instructions accidently contains instruction to remove screws behind (which is not required)."

December 25. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Luc at Team Pixelboy is in Christmas mood.
3 games has now been released for free download.
Find them here.

December 22. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Mr. Brophy has on request, as well as its own initiative, taken Mr. Turtle as selecting next game programming.
Mr. Turtle is a kind of vaporware that exists only in a graphic image from the 80s.
Mr. Brophy is now ready for the big graphic part of the project, which is expected to take a bit of time.
Then there is a larger programming work to do.

December 21. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Did you know that:
Coleco Inc. got in 1982 stolen an entire Trailer full of Smurf Power Cycles to children.
More precisely, there were 890 Smurf Power Cycles in the trailer ordered from Zarn Inc.
It appears from the documents on 277 pages from the FBI, Washington D.C. in US.
The documents are ordered by Kevin Savetz. Read more here.

December 21. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
CollectorVision Games Inc. is now officially ready to sell the new ColecoVision game: Strip Poker.
The game is complete in box with manual and originally made by Daniel Bienvenu.
A new reproduction batch is made by Tobie from CollectorVision Games, and limited to 30 games, so hurry up.
Contact CollectorVision Games here.

December 16. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Claus Bækkel is currently in the process of programming new games for ColecoVision.
More precisely, there are 4 games to go on with.

December 14. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Did you know that:
The current Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls are produced under license by: Jakks Pacific Toy Company of Malibu, California.

December 02. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Finalizing production on the ColecoVision game Shifted.
"The production on Shifted for the ColecoVision has been finished".
Shifted will be for sale in the 1st quarter of 2015.

November 13. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo Mello at OpCode Games says:
"Finishing some third-party work, I am a little behind schedule, but things are still moving along."
In fact OpCode Games have big plans for 2015. "The SGM 2nd run is coming, DKA, Zanac and Penguin Adventure is coming... Please stay tuned.

November 03. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com/ColecoVision.dk
As ColecoVision.dk mentioned earlier October 7, is Bagman Collection now in its main phase.
Jean-Michel GIRARD says: "The project is not yet completed, I need to manage Cops and pickaxe."
Bagman Collection will fill 32kb. and have digitilized sounds just like the arcade.
The newest is Bagman will be released is two versions Bagman in an 32kb. version and a Bagman Collection which contains both Bagman and Super Bagman.
Only a few ColecoVision games have the Save Game features. Bagman Collection will be a part of this rarity through its WaferCart.
Jean-Michel GIRARD aka alekmaul is also working on ColecoVision MazezaM, but "I only need to add sound and that will be ok."

November 02. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
CollectorVision Games has following 4 ColecoVision games ready for a release.
They have more ColecoVision games on the road, but these are officially: Comic Bakery, Spunky's Super Car, Dungeon & Trolls and Tank Challenge.
There is still 2 games not yet completely set, but hope they may be in 2015, namely: Monster Bash and Rip Cord.
For ordering these 4 new ColecoVision games please contact CollectorVision Games.

October 21. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Phil Boland has done it again.
This time has he updated the ColecoVision Flashback, with a new label kit.
Phil says: "For those that don't know, I decided I wanted my ColecoVision Flashback unit to have a similar feel of quality/finish as the real ColecoVision has."
"The CVFB Facelift Kit comes with three labels, two round controller labels and one system label."
"These labels have the familiar brush metal look of the original ColecoVision unit from back in the day."
See a video here.

October 18. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com/ColecoVision.dk
Junior at ColecoVisionZone.com has decided to sell all his ColecoVision stuff, a very nice collection which also includes his website.
"I have decided to sell my Coleco collection."
"My collection includes over 200 boxed games, brand new console, accessories, labels variation, prototypes, internal documents, press kits, and even my website."
You can get an Excel file here, and you can offer him your bid.
Junior will answer all the emails on November 2nd 2014 starting with the highest offer.

October 16. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Luc Miron at Team Pixelboy is now ready to take orders for following 4 ColecoVision games: Joust, Subroc Super Game, Goonies and TwinBee.
Joust is SGM free, but the 3 others will require it.
Special for Subroc Super Game is that the Subroc Super Game can be played on the ADAM computer without the Super Game Module mounted.
Luc will accepting payments now, but you'll have to note that the games first will start shipping around beginning of November 2014 and will take place the month out.
At the same time can you also order previous Team Pixelboy releases, just send him an email, and you're already well on the way.

October 09. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
There is a minor programming error in the ColecoVision version of the game Galaga.
Several people have complained that there are corrupt pixelsations and strange text across the screen.
Many gamers have returned their game and got it swapped, but the game still fails.
CollectorVision Games regrets the error and has contacted the programmer.
When the problem is found and corrected, encouraged to return the game to CollectorVision Games which will ensure that there is an exchange.

October 07. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Two very good ColecoVision Games will be a reality probably already next summer of 2015.
This time it's Bagman from 1982 and Super Bagman from 1984.
Both games will be programmed into a single cartridge, and the name will be Bagman Collection.
The game will have an option screen that gives you as a player very good options.
Programmer for the game is: Jean-Michel GIRARD alias "alekmaul2009"
All graphics are pre-made from CollectorVision Games, and reasonably close to the original arcade games.

October 05. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo Mello at OpCode Games assures that "things are progressing nicely."
So the final version of the Super Game Mudule (SGM), and the 2 first upcoming games in long time from his own publishing label is finally soon a reality.
The 2 SGM ColecoVision games is Penguin Adventure and Zanac.

September 29. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
The new ColecoVision Flashback is now a reality.
It is now officially, you can get it in Toys 'R Us and Dollar General in USA.
For only $40,- will you get a ColecoVision with Controllers that emulate 60 ColecoVision games, and 62 if you get it at Dollar General.

September 26. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Luc at Team Pixelboy says: "Joust sold moderately well at this year's CGE in Las Vegas, and unsold copies will be passed along to the Portland Gaming Expo in October 2014.
After this is it Luc's plan to produce another fresh run of Joust, which will be on sale for $45,- in the beginning of November.
Joust will not stay alone in this, Goonies, Subroc Super Game and TwinBee will be there too.
All 4 ColecoVision games will be ready to order last in October 2014, and finally for sale in November 2014.
Goonies, Subroc Super Game and TwinBee will all 3 require the Super Game Module, which not in case for the game Joust.

September 22. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
ColecoVision.dk has today been attacked 270 times by a site who will try to sell jewels, clothes and accessories.
I will continue to keep a close eye on such freeloaders.

September 21. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Vincent at Colecoboxart.com will now help all of us that need boxes for ColecoVision.
"You can send me request for any Colecovision game box, even for games that never had one."
Vincent will reproduce your ColecoVision wish boxes after request.
"All boxes will be printed by Colecomaster in Canada."

September 21. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Gameblabla the man behind Super Sonyk is working on another game: Where's Derpy-
"The goal of the game is to find Derpy and three muffins. If you found Derpy but not the muffins , you can still win."
Here is a 4 screen version 1.

September 16. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Rip Cord by Russ Kumro and Dungeon & Trolls by Michel Louvet is both close to be finished.
They both have their ColecoVision boxes ready, but Rip Cord need some extra challenges and sound for the game.
A late 2014 release for Dungeon & Trolls is our hope, Rip Cord possibly around Q1 2015.

September 16. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Claus Bækkel, the man behind Telebunny and other ColecoVision and MTX games, says that he will focus more on games that get use of the Super Game Module.
Claus has more game on the way where you as a user will make use of the SGM.
Some games supports the ColecoVision SGM, but this is not a requirement.
One of those games is just on the road and supports the SGM. Maybe around in October/November 2014.

August 31. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Zanac is now a part of the ColecoVision library.
Eduardo at OpCode Games is almost finished with his Zanac version 1.
Eduardo has some improvements for his SGM version.
Super smooth, title screen menu with "Continue" and "Option", includes settings for game difficulty, "Auto Fire" and initial number of lives from 1 to 9.
Last but not least, a nice SGM "Sound Test" is also offered, so you can now enjoy all the tunes and sound fx.
A bet for this release will be around Nov./Dec. 2014, or at least in the beginning of 2015.
Interested in this game for ColecoVision ? contact: OpCode Games.

August 30. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
A new game is under its way to ColecoVision, namely Head-to-Head Tank Challenge.
"parkfun101" aka Todd Spangler is the programmer for this CollectorVision Games release.
Will probably be ready sometime in 2015.

August 27. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
"Alekmaul" aka Jean Michel GIRARD will soon be ready to release a new version of the game Mazezam.
The name is Mazezam Challenge, and is based on Nintendo's Game Boy version.
Mr. GIRARD says that his ColecoVision version will have over 20 different levels to complete.

August 27. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Around 80% of this year's spam members for CVForum.dk was from Russia.
The last 20% is from different countries like Romania, East Ukraine and China.
The pattern is repeated from the previous years, where almost 90% of all member accretion was deleted.

August 24. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo at OpCode Games will re-release Space Invaders Collection and Pac-Man Collection as part of the Super Game Module Arcade Series.
Both games will require the Super Game Module (SGM) and the Super Game Cartridge (SGC) to work.
Space Invaders Arcade will have a better sound, improved title screen, title music and the ability to save high scores.
Pac-Man Arcade will have less flicker, improved sound, slightly improved Ms Pac-Man graphics and also the ability to save its high scores.
Both games is ready for some time next year 2015. Pre-order your copy here.

August 23. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo at OpCode Games says he will make the former MSX Gradius to our ColecoVision.
Gradius is a real shooter with a lot of action in its gameplay.
The new game is called Gradius Arcade, "and is a remixed version of the MSX game that will give our SGMs a Gradius that is closer to its arcade counterpart."
Eduardo will have the game ready sometime in 2015 and will require the Super Game Module to work.

August 21. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo at OpCode Games has the former MSX Penguin Adventure ready for a release later this year.
The ColecoVision version will require the Super Game Module (SGM) to work.
The ColecoVision version is a 128 Kb. version and will therefore require a new PCB.
The new PCB is the Super Game Cartridge (SGC) and will be able to handle the large amounts of data.
The new Super Game Cartridge (SGC) replaces the former MegaCart from OpCode Games.
You can already pre-order the game here.

July 25. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Team Pixelboy communicate that the following ColecoVision games will be ready this year.
In October: Joust, Subroc Super Game, Twinbee and The Goonies.
In December: Knightmare, Ghostbusters and Boxxle.
And next Spring around March 2015: Jewel Panic, and maybe (Stone Of Wisdom) and (Spelunker).

July 25. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo at OpCode Games has some good news.
5 ColecoVision games will be ready and delivered to Team Pixelboy.
After this will Eduardo concentrate on the second run of the Super Game Module REV. F. which he will start on in mid-August to to November 2014.
Eduardo also informed that he will try to complete DKA before year-end.

July 22. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
The "Godfather" and King of ColecoVision programming is still around.
Now with a new tool for easy making of sound and music for ColecoVision programmers.
Daniel Bienvenu aka newcoleco will expand this new tool with extra features, if... "He can see a clear interest to use this tool,"
Daniel will add new functionalities together with some improvements.
"The tool is coded in Java 1.6, and allows you to draw frequencies and volumes."
More about this new wonder-tool here.

July 18. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
The CV 1.2 from Harvey aka 5-11under is dying at the moment.
Harvey says: "The latest version is resetting every couple of seconds for some reason."
And Harvey says he "haven't had much time to investigate it lately".

July 11. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Did you know that:
Andy Key made some time ago a small adapter that allows connecting a computer keybord to ColecoVision.
The small piece of hardware is simply connected to the expansion port on the front of ColecoVision.

July 03. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Eduardo is currently working on Ghostbusters for ColecoVision.
Ghostbusters will require the Super Game Module to work.

June 27. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Did you miss the game "Gamester The Video Game", so is the chance now.
John Lester aka Gamester81 says he will make at least 60 more copies of the game "Gamester81 The Video Game".
"30 will be available at the Classic Gaming Expo in Vegas later this year, and 30 will be available at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo also later this year."
"If people are interested in a copy, let me know and I'll hold one back for you. The cost is $60 with game/box/manual plus shipping."

June 27. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Mr. Louvet aka bfg.gamepassion is working of a lot of ColecoVision games.
This time a retro game called Cauldron, a game about a Witch some Bats, Frogs and other creepy things.

June 21. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
ColecoVision.dk has created a new section, a Top 40 hitlist.
You are welcome to come with your bids on which ColecoVision games that should be on the list.

June 18. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Parkfun101 has done it, he made a ColecoVision sequenzer.
"My goal is to make a music/melody maker that is compact and easy to modify."
"You can't change the length of each note (yet), but I figured it still allows for you to easily start a melody without too many bells and whistles."
Get it here.

June 18. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Harvey Dekleine aka "5-11under" has after nearly 8 years finally completed one of his very first ColecoVision game.
JETP4K was the original name in 2006, but is now changed to Jetpack.
Harvey says: "Since then, I've worked on it a few times, expanding and tweaking it, especially the difficulty ramping."
A limited edition of only 30 cartridges are available.
You can recieve it loose for $ 32,- including shipping.

June 17. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Martijn at Revival Studios says he is finished with development of his new game: "Shifted" for the ColecoVision.
Shifted will be for sale later this year.

June 15. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
The ColecoVision site ColecoVision Revolution is back online.

June 08. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
The upcoming ColecoVision Club from OpCode Games is under way.
Member Cards and the first issue of the OpCode Experience Magazine is a reality.
The SGM, Interviews, and a first sight of the DKA.
Eduardo will publish the Club News when he returns from Brazil around July/August.

June 04. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Retro Modding has done what other not could.
He have a solution for our ColecoVision power supply problems.
Ralf sells via ebay a multi region ColecoVision power supply without having to make modifications in your ColecoVision.
Simply connect the following adapter and the usual jack on the console.
In addition to an enlarged ColecoVision Power connector provided in the pack, this power supply also has two input voltages (110V/230V) for international use.
This allows you 1:1 to replace your existing Coleco Vision PSU.
You will in the package find different connectors for USA, UK, and big parts of Europe including Italy.
In addition to power saving with a modern switch, you have always an available power supply having the voltage of +12 V +5 V and -5V.

June 01. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
The upcoming ColecoVision Flashback System will have 60 or 61 games built in.
Following 5 ColecoVision games will be included in the System.
Venture, Zaxxon, Space Panic, Pepper II and Jumpman Junior.
The ColecoVision Flashback System will be released at the end of this year if all goes well.

June 01. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Mr. Louvet aka bfg.gamepassion is working of a lot of games, also for ColecoVision.
Following work in progress are: Dungeon And Trolls, Nibbli and Starship Defence Force.
Dungeon And Trolls is a cave game, you'll have to kill all the bad guys and save some treasures.
Nibbli is a well known game about a snake being longer and longer as more the snake eat.
Starship Defence Force is a shooter where you'll have to shoot all incoming from the top and the left side.
The smart thing in this game is, you can very precise your shooting by setting two shooters, both horizontally and vertically.

May 28. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
This years Coleco ADAM and ColecoVision annual convention, the ADAMCon 26, will this time be in Middleburg Heights, Cleveland, Ohio.
The meeting will takes place from July 17th to July 20th. More Infomation about the meeting: Here.
If we are lucky, a portion of the meeting be sent via a live video stream.
But as we know from earlier meetings, has the quality varied from the network connection on the hotels previously visited.
So this time we cross our fingers for CV and ADAM live news.

May 17. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
CollectorVision Games has announced that the 80's MSX version of Galaga will be launched in June, 2014.
The game will be improved with Sound from the Super Game Module.

May 08. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
As mentioned earlier, in February will the ColecoVision game "Wizard Siege" not be released in 2014 as earlier informed from CollecorVision Games.
Steve Bégin says: " I haven't written a single line of code yet for the game! ".

May 08. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.com
Martijn Wenting is still working on the ColecoVision game: Shifted.
In Shifted will you have to shift columns up and down to make combinations of gems on a centre row.
A good bet for a launch will be in mid-2015.

May 08. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
As mentioned earlier, in April Eduardo at OpCode Games is currently on holiday in Brazil.
He will probably be back in June.

May 02. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
A Brand new ColecoVision is now a reality.
Close, but not close enough. ColecoVision Flashback is a Plug and Play console with 60 ColecoVision games built in.
ColecoVision Flashback has no Cartridge or SD port, so you can not play other ColecoVision games on it.
Collectors will use it like a kind of "back up system", or just a easy way to play some of the great old games.
ColecoVision Flashback CV 450 mimics the retro design for the 80's and made by AT Games.
ColecoVision Flashback is good for "beginners", and best of all, you can use the Flashback Controllers on your real ColecoVision system.
Pre-order your ColecoVision Flashback now for only $ 40,- at Toy's R Us or at Dollar General.

April 27. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
A New game is ready for ColecoVision, namely Flappy Bird.
CollectorVision Games called their version for Flapee Byrd and comes complete in a Taiwan cooper box.
You can reserve your copy now and the game will have its release around July 2014.

April 16. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Todd aka SiLic0ne t0aD85 has taken over the site colecovisionrevolution.com and give it a try.
He is busy with hobbies and many projects, but will find time for build the site up again.
The site will include a ColecoVision Serial Number Database, Videos, Reviews, Blogs and new Podcasts.
A new section will be a 135 Club for collectors that have the complete official collection of ColecoVision games.

April 15. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Claus Bækkel has done it again.
Claus converted a MTX/MSX game from 1983 to ColecoVision.
This time a game called Telebunny or Tele Bunnie.
It's about a Rabbit, a Turtle, Snakes and Hearts.
Telebunny or Tele Bunnie is an CollectorVision Games release.
More about Telebunny on youtube here.

April 12. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Philipp Klaus Krause has a new version of SDCC ready.
The new version is 3.4.0 and can be downloaded from here.
Following news are: New TLCS90, Target support, New STM8 target support, Support for named address spaces in ROM and
Detects supported devices by gputils when building SDCC.
Numerous feature requests and bug fixes are included as well.

April 11. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Luc Miron at Team Pixelboy has been able to score a publishing deal with Sean Kelly, who owns the ColecoVision prototype of Joust with sound.
Joust was never released by AtariSoft in the 80's, and Joust was only a titlescreen from being ready-made.
Luc asked his programmer about to make a title screen, and the game will get released complete in box around october this year.
The game will only be for sale at the CGE show and later will the game become available for purchase online.

April 11. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Luc Miron at Team Pixelboy has just published which games he will publish to ColecoVision this year and next.
Games that requires the SGM are: Goonies, Knightmare, Ghostbusters, TwinBee, Spelunker, The Stone Of Wisdom, and Subroc Super Game.
ColecoVision games without the SGM are following: Jewel Panic, Boxxle, Frontline Standard Controller Edition and Joust.
None of the games are available yet.
If you not are on Team Pixelboy's mailing list, please send him an e-mail with your name, alias, and what games you want in near future.

April 06. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Following ColecoVision sites are down at the moment.
colecovision.com - colecovisionrevolution.com
colecoindustries.com from 2008 is still under construction, and is not updated for several years, only once, in fact not since 2011.
So still nothing here yet.

April 02. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Eduardo at OpCode Games has just announced that he will once again take a trip back to Brazil already later this month.
So no work on ColecoVision games or SGMs for some time.
But as Eduardo says: "This time will only be a short trip, so no worries."

April 02. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Eduardo at OpCode Games has decided that he will develop a version of Galaga a mix between MSX and ColecoVision.
The Galaga game will run on a ColecoVision with minor changes.
Galaga is a small game only 16k. and will only be monochome in its colors, and a reduced number of animation frames.
But as Eduardo says: "I'm not starting on Galaga this year, I need both the SGM 2nd run and SGC must be completed first".
So after summer 2014 will be a good bet for a ColecoVision version of Galaga.

March 30. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Did you know that:
AtariSoft games did not use Coleco BIOS calls.
The ColecoVision BIOS was avoided by AtariSoft programmers.
It was slower than using your own code, so it was much easier and/or quicker to just write your own routines.
AtariSoft paid another company to carry out the necessary code.
So, not using ColecoVision's BIOS was insurance that AtariSoft could not be successfully sued by Coleco Industries.
If Coleco had decided to sue Atari for developing and/or publishing ColecoVision games in the 80's without a license, then Atari was more likely to win.

March 27. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
CollectorVision Games says that Matt Householder now has partnered, as programmer for CollectorVision Games.
Matt proposed CollectorVision Games to program them a game, and that game is secret for now.
ColecoVision.dk will surely let you know about this little super secret as soon as possible.

March 26. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
After 30 years of silence are Matt Householder ready to tell a little story about the games from his time at AtariSoft.
It is specifically about the game: Moon Patrol which he programmed for ColecoVision in 1984 and was never released.
I have reproduced some of the story in his own words, and written a little about the subsequently generations of people who have helped to influence the game before it was re-released.

March 25. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Eduardo at OpCode Games says 3 ColecoVision games has been completed.
The 3 games are following: The Goonies, TwinBee and Knightmare.
All 3 games are SGM games and require the Super Game Module to take care of the MSX sound.
2 of those games are already in beta, namely: The Goonies and TwinBee.

March 22. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
It will be Team Pixelboy that will publish the 5 ColecoVision SGM Games Eduado at OpCode Games has developed.
The 5 games is: The Goonies, Knightmare, TwinBee, Ghostbusters and Galaga.
Goonies and Knightmare already this year, and TwinBee and Ghostbusters next year.
About Galaga will be released by Eduardo this year is not known.

March 22. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Ralf at www.retro-modding.de currently evaluate his production of adapters.
Ralf will produce about 50 of these adapters soon, together with his Power supply (110v to 220v). Price will be about 25 euro.
Ralf says, the next version of Stereo surround boards already is been developed (see the website).
It offers 3d audio for ColecoVision and will be produced in a smaller form factor containing AV, Stereo surround, 3d audio and joypad pause mode on one board.

March 19. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Eduardo at OpCode Games is back.
The man behind the ColecoVision Super Game Module is back on track again.
First of all, he will sell some SGMs via ebay to fund the purchase of new parts for continued sales of SGMs.
More news, Eduardo will take contact to all who need to receive their paid SGMs from the first round.
Also, Eduardo accept orders for the 2nd run. The 2nd run can handle both connectors, and will take care of all ColecoVisions like NTSC, PAL and SCART versions.
The 2nd run will take its release around summer 2014 or later.
Another good news is that, 2 more SGM games are ready for sale, namely: The Goonies and Knightmare.

March 16. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
gameblabla the man behind Super Sonyk has improved his ColecoVision game: Super Sonyk Arena to version 1.5
The new version has fast falling available, and backgrounds for the levels are different and a bit better.
Each character is now different, Sonyk is faster while Miles can jump higher.
Get version 1.5 here.

March 10. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Ralf at www.retro-modding.de has evaluated how to recreate ColecoVision power supply connectors and found a suitable solution.
By offering an adapter having original recreated power connector on one side, and a standard 5 pin connector on the other side.
The days of drilling and dealing with power supply mods are over!
The adapter also offers a power LED and Voltage regulator, so standard 5V/12V dual power supplies are usable.
The power supply delivered with the adapter is 110V/230V, and offers all required voltages.
Price for complete package will be about $30 excluding shipping. Ralf will start up a production soon.
Refurbished ColecoVision consoles with av/composite, stereo surround and joypad pause mod will also be placed on ebay.

March 06. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Toby at CollectorVision is now ready to take orders for the ColecoVision game: Pippols.
Pippols is originally an MSX game from Konami.

February 28. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
digress aka Gerry Brohpy is started on a ColecoVision War game.
The game is in an early stage, but looks already promising.

February 28. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
As earlier stated in September 2013, will the game; Sydney Hunter & The Caverns of Death have its release at the end of 2014 or in the beginning of 2015.
It is FilthySoft Studio which has developed the game, while CollectorVision handle the ColecoVision version.

February 26. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Ralf at www.retro-modding.de says: "After the ColecoVision Stereo/Surround mod have we now implemented the best pause mod ever."
By pressing # and * on keypad, the system pauses switching off video and audio and a built in screensaver will start.
Pushing same button combination again continue gameplay. The power LED switches from Blue to Yellow during pause mode. No need for any hole drilling.
Together with hidden power LED retro at it's best. (power LED only visible if console is switched on). Professional pcb 2x2 inch in size.
Pictures and technical details on www.retrovideogamer.co.uk  (Ralf/Youtube).
Ralf signed a contract with a reseller there will be able to deliver consoles worldwide. Av and Stereo Surround included. "Watch out for ebay auctions, too".
Also a Steering wheel adapter (PS3 to ColecoVision) will arrive later as Bluetooth adapters for PS3 Controllers to ColecoVision, It have a higher priority in development.
Last but not least: Ralf found a suitable ColecoVision power supply replacement (external) delivering the required 3 Voltages and able to be connected from 110 to 230v.
No need for internal power supply mods of alternate connectors on the console, keeping your original console intact.
Production of adapter will start soon, the power supply has one year warranty.

February 27. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
CollectorVision Games has also sad news: "We want to point out that it will be our last year that we're doing MSX / SG Ports, in fact we will now focus more on original works."

February 19. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
CollectorVision Games is now ready to take pre-orders for the ColecoVision game: Moon Patrol.
Just send them an e-mail, pay for it, and you will be on the list for march/april release.

February 08. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
CollectorVision Games has now 40 different projects of which 19 of these will be released this year.
The games are: 1 Pong/Computer Space (Boxset), 2 Super Cabbage Patch Kids (hacked version of CPK.), 3 Turbo (Standard Controller Edition), 4 Pippols (MSX version),
5 Rip Cord (Never released), 6 Destruction Derby (Never Released), 7 Monster Bash, 8 Pacar (different from rom release).
9 Wizard Siege (2 simultaneous players 2005 Arkanoid clone game). But also a Deluxe version of 10 Jumpman, 11 The Castle and 12 Space Taxi (C64 version).
Then 13 Spunky's Super Car!, 14 Comic Bakery, 15 Pyxidis, 16 Cavern Fighter (Scramble clone) 17 Flightful Night, 18 Moon Patrol (The remake) and 19 Star Command.
We will also get closer to a Super Action Baseball box plus Skiing and Ghost n Goblins.

February 08. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
First was it "else" then RT12 Production, and now will it be Dale Wick that finally finished making the game Horse Racing.
"else" gave up in June 2011, RT1Production took over in June 2013, so after RT12 Production had made ​​a lot mockup work with sprites and screenshots,
it is now Dale Wick which has assumed the important task to finish making the game.
When this will happend is not known at the moment.

February 07. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
CollectorVision Games has some exciting news:
"We at CollectorVision are very proud to announce that Mr. John Lester AKA Gamester81 has officialy joined CollectorVision Games!".
John Lester is a real retrogamer and he reviews a lot of systems and games.
More about John Lester here.

February 01. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Eduardo at OpCode Games is still not back on track, rumors says april.
His site is still active, but rumors says he is back in Brazil.
He is the owner of the ColecoVision Super Game Module.
There are today only sold about 100 to 200 units.
The sale is stopped, but the need is big, very big!.
But as long as nothing happens from Eduardo's hand, the suppliers of the games will not support the project at the moment.
Super Games for use with the Super Game Module will therefore not be supported from Team Pixelboy and CollectorVision.
When and if Eduardo returns to his project, will games again be produced that supports the module.
An opportunity for new SGM games is that, Eduardo is launching these Super Games he already has made for our ColecoVision​​, namely:
Donkey Kong Arcade, Goonies and Knightmare.

January 25. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Yurkie aka Todd Scheele offers now a clear blue LED which also flashes when your ColecoVision is in pause mode.
Please contact Yurkie for this modification.

January 17. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
CollectorVision says: Rip Cord and Monster Bash will released later this year for ColecoVision.
Skiing is soon a former waporware game.
The game will maybe see the daylight in 2015, and a new box for that game is under development.

January 16. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
CollectorVision.com has now change their name to CollectorVision Games.
At the same time they have changed the website's appearance.
The site has been optimized in a more contemporary design, and games are now being developed for Atari 2600, Intellivision, NES and Texas 99/4A.
The ColecoVision part of the site is still the biggest, but in the future will you see games for other platforms too.
First homebrew games for CollectorVision Games is Mr. Chin for Texas 99/4A and later Space Raid for Atari 2600 and IntelliVision.
For Nintendo NES will the game: Mayan's Revenge be available. The game is based on Montezuma's Revenge and have about 300 rooms.

January 12. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Dale Wick aka hardhat have been working on one of his new game for ColecoVision/Adam since 2011.
Chris Derrig aka Kiwi helped Dale with some of the graphical part.
The game is a map based game, with 128 screens. In the map are there 3 castles, a river and a cave system.
Your goal is to gather the nine crystal fragments to reunite them on the sacred altar, and unleash a dragon.

January 10. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Nicam Shilova aka Nicolas Campion is started with a new game.
The game is based on his third Colecovsion projet, a sport game inspired from Windjammers for NeoGeo.
The name will be: Burning Disc.

January 06. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Luc at Team Pixelboy will starting a brand new and fun project, he will produce trading cards with ColecoVision games and hardware.
His goal is to produce a trading card for each and every box variant of every ColecoVision product ever released.
"This amounts to a total of over 430 trading cards, and more will likely be added to the list as new homebrew games are released".
Luc will create the cards and sell them in 7 sets of 55 cards per time.

January 06. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Ralf at www.retro-modding.de do now have his ColecoVision stereo surround demo is available.
You can see and listen to his demo here.
It's build up around a kind of opposite phase.
The audio mod changes the current mono signal in spectrum and frequency to a vibrant unique sound experience.
Ralfs upcoming website Retro-modding in Germany will contain all required pictures including power supply mod and backlight mod.

January 02. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
Brian Ciesicki has a plan. He need $17,000 to make a prototype of his idea.
"To confirm, I talked about this to Colecovision and they said they'll make it if I can show a prototype of it working."
The device is a way to turn any old game into an old online game, without reprogramming the game with traditional network methods.
His secret is to use a low-ping connection, like Sprint Direct Connect.
The range is limited, but the limit is pretty big.
"You've got an approximately 2400 km range between the farthest 2 people in a 60 frame/second controller read rate game".
"The range doubles in a 30 FPS game and triples in a 20 FPS game".

January 01. 2014.
Source: AtariAge.Com
Luc at Team Pixelboy has removed two games from his site.
Those two games was: Twinbee and Front LIne Standard Controller Edition.
Luc told Eduardo at Opcode Games in March 2013 that he was interested in publishing TwinBee and a Standard Controller version of Front Line.
Eduardo accepted and promised to finish the games in the third quarter of 2013, which did not happen.
The games are now on hold until further progress.

January 01. 2014.
Source: ColecoVision.dk
ColecoVision.dk will continue to optimize the retro design of the site.